Denise Clarke

Hi, my name is Denise Clarke and welcome to my blog.

... I am a fifty something baby boomer with an "attitude".  After I retired as a paramedic, I realized that not only was I too young to "NOT WORK", but I needed to make money ... sound familiar?  I decided to find a new career doing something that I had always thought about doing … and that was writing.  Becoming a writer 20 years ago meant getting out the old “smith-corona” and pecking away like a fiend … discarding first, second and third drafts until you finally decided it was worthy of maybe submitting to a publisher.  Those days are GONE!  Like most of you, I enjoy having “instant gratification” and the internet provides a writer the opportunity to reach out via blogs, articles and e-books to connect with individuals looking for “specific” material in  a “blink” of the eye … or in this case the “click” of a button!

I found the Internet fascinating and have spent the last several years listening and learning to what works and what doesn’t in the Internet marketing world.  The Internet, much like emergency medicine, is constantly changing.  The winners must stay on the cutting edge.  You have to keep up to date with the latest online strategies or the search engines will pass you by like smelly old fish.  The “stuff” that Google, Yahoo and Bing happily gobble’s up one day; they will spit out the next day and, in addition, kick you to the curb.

The internet plays a huge role in so many people’s lives and, in fact, the Internet can make or break many careers as well as businesses.  Prospective employers Google applicants, people search for restaurants, plumbers, doctors and real estate agents online just to name a few and even “singles” Google before they commit to going a date! Having a positive online presence is critical.  Do YOU have one?

Google Yourself for FUN and PROFIT is an Introduction to Identity Branding.  It should be used as a step by step guide to creating YOUR online Internet presence.  It is aimed at the “beginner” level, but the nuggets of information apply to all levels of Internet expertise … so don’t be afraid … Googling yourself can be FUN!  Take my hand and let me show you how easy it is brand YOU on the Internet.

Thanks for visiting!
